November 26, 2010

Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving for the Shifflett family was a little low key this year. Mom just prepared all of the highlights for just me, my sister, my Dad, and Bill. This was the first year that we didn't have a big family get together. (Trust me when I say, our Shifflett get togethers can get rather crowded - we have to rent a church to celebrate Christmas together!) I can remember when I was growing up we would ALWAYS go to my Grandma Elsie's for any Holiday meal. All seven of her kids would travel in from all over the US - Arkansas, North Carolina, Elkton, and of course Greene County with their spouses, kids, and grand kids and we would all have a huge meal. Before we dug in, we would all join hands and there were so many of us we would have to hold hands through the kitchen, into the dining room, through the living room, and out into the hall until we formed a huge circle. My Grandfather would then say the prayer and we would all dig in! I really miss those Thanksgivings just like I miss my Grampa, Uncle Roger, and Uncle Ray. Holidays really make you miss those that are no longer with you and appreciate the ones that are still around.

I took a few shots at Mom's house to remember this Thanksgiving. It was the first time it was just us and although we missed everybody else, it was nice to be able to visit each other. My sister came in from Ferrum and I rarely get to hang out with her so the quiet Thanksgiving was just what we needed to catch up!

Scoot found his own turkey to dig into!

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